If you have invested time and money in finding an awning for your caravan or motorhome you'll want it to last. This Datasheet gives some pointers to help make sure it provides the best accommodation for as long as possible, assuming you're prepared to put in a little time and effort.
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If you look after your awning it should provide you with many years of holiday memories - and you can start at the campsite. Before unpacking your awning, check the ground for stones, old pegs or anything else that might damage it or the groundsheet (if you're using one).
When you pitch, position the guy lines and any storm straps carefully so the fabric doesn't flap, which can cause excessive wear, but don't have it so tight it's under stress. Different fabrics react in different ways to the rain and temperature changes so it's worth checking the tension in the guy lines occasionally throughout your stay. Also, check the pegs are pointing in a direction that won't allow the guy lines to slip off or the pegs to pull out of the ground.