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Confident Manoeuvring

If the thought of managing a large vehicle is preventing you from buying a motorhome, your local dealer may be prepared to let you take one on the road before you commit yourself – especially if it helps secure a sale. Alternatively, there are often opportunities to try driving one under the watchful eye of a professional instructor at the larger caravan and motorhome shows.

Once you’ve taken the plunge, the Camping and Caravanning Club runs Manoeuvring Courses to help increase your confidence when driving and manoeuvring your motorhome.

On the road

Motorhome courseAssuming you’ve invested in a motorhome that’s larger than the average car, when you’re out and about you’ll need to give yourself more time and space for everything. It’s best to brake earlier than normal and you’ll probably accelerate more slowly than you would in an ordinary car.

The extra length of your motorhome means you will need to take corners more widely so the wheels don’t clip the kerb or cut the corner.

If the unladen weight of your motorhome is more than 3,050kg the legal speed limits are often lower than in a car. Check the latest information before you travel at

If you find traffic is building up behind you, pull over at a layby or other suitable place and let the other vehicles pass.

If you are driving a high-sided vehicle, be especially careful when over-taking cyclists, motorbikes and horses because of the buffeting from your motorhome.

Park carefully where you won’t cause an obstruction. Many car parks have height barriers, so remember to check how tall your unit is. One top tip is to put a sticker on the dashboard of your motorhome with details of its height, width, length and weight so you can tell at a glance if you will fit!

Learning to drive your motorhome

Assuming, of course, that you’ve already obtained the correct entitlements on your driving licence to enable you to drive your motorhome – see the motorhomes and the law page – which might involve some training anyway – the Club is one of a number of organisations that run short courses to help increase your confidence driving and manoeuvring your holiday home.

On the Club’s Motorhome Manoeuvring Course professional instructors will take you through all the basic information you need to drive and use your motorhome, plus some key advice on safety too.

You’ll be taught at the wheel of your own motorhome and you will have the chance to take your unit out on the road during your course.

Club Care Insurance

Club Care motorhome insurance policies have been designed with members in mind and offer first class cover.