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Campervan insurance

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Introducing Campervan Insurance from Club Care

Campervan Insurance for the holiday and the everyday

While everyone knows that campervan insurance is a necessity, finding the right policies can be a tricky task. Whether you want to use your campervan for weekend getaways or daily trips, Club Care can help you find a policy that suits your needs. 

Thousands of Club members choose to insure through Club Care every year. With nearly 40 years of experience, why not get a quote through Club Care?

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Member Benefits

Members qualify for a 5% discount.
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Why Choose Club Care?
As a specialist provider of Campervan Insurance, Club Care Insurance has worked with its insurer partners to create an insurance product that can be flexed to meet the exacting needs of those looking to combine the holiday use of their camper with the needs of an everyday vehicle.
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2023
Why do I need Campervan Insurance?
As with car insurance, Campervan Insurance is a legal requirement, insuring you against liability to others. Depending on the level of cover you select, it may also insure your campervan against accidental damage caused by you.
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2021
What is Continuous Insurance Enforcement?

The police use the Motor Insurance Database (MID) to detect uninsured vehicles on the road. It’s estimated that 500 are seized each day and an estimated 300,000 offenders are convicted for driving uninsured every year. To combat the problem, Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE) was introduced in 2011 and made it an offence to be the registered keeper of a vehicle which is neither listed on the Motor Insurance Database nor registered with the DVLA by Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN).

When you insure your Campervan, it’s the insurers’ legal responsibility to upload the details of your vehicle onto the Motor Insurance Database. For peace of mind, you can check that your vehicle has been registered with MID for free.

Last Modified: 16 Jan 2023
Do I need to be a member of The Camping and Caravanning Club to get a Campervan Insurance quote?
No, you do not need to be a member of the Club to get a quote from Club Care, but some benefits may only be available to members.
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2023
How do I make a claim?
You should notify Club Care of your claim as soon as possible. The claims number can also be found in your ‘Evidence of Insurance’ document. You’ll be put through to a friendly claims handler, who will guide you through the process.
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022
Will my awning be covered?
Yes, your policy will cover damage to your awning costing up to the limit specified by your insurer.
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2021
We may be travelling late at night, will I be able to contact my claims helpline at all times?
The Club Care claims helpline is open 24 hours a day so you’ll always be able to get in touch when you need to.
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2021
Will Club Care insure a campervan with modifications?
Yes, but some modifications may affect the premium you pay. Read the next question to find out more.

Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022
Will campervan modifications affect my premium?
Vehicle modifications will usually impact your insurance premium. Modifications on campervans are extremely popular, they’re usually changes put in place to make the van more comfortable for those concerned about the camping lifestyle.
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022
What types of vehicle are covered?
All proprietary makes of camper are covered up to 30 years of age, but in addition, Club Care Insurance can cover self-build campervans. Contact Club Care for a quote, either on the telephone or online, to see what you could save. Find out more.
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2023
What cover is available?

"Club Care offer high-quality cover, to make sure your campervan is properly protected. Depending on your needs, you have a choice of either fully comprehensive or third party, fire and theft cover.

Club Care's comprehensive Campervan Insurance covers you for claims made by other people (including passengers) for injury to them or damage to their property. This policy also protects your campervan against loss or damage caused by accidental or malicious acts, vandalism, fire, lightning, theft, self-ignition and explosion. Club members may also be offered New Campervan Replacement for up to 12 months.

Third party fire and theft: This protects you against any third party injury or property damage claims made against you as a result of having an accident, and covers you against loss or damage to your campervan if it’s stolen or set on fire."

Last Modified: 16 Jan 2023
What is the excess?
An excess is the amount that you agree to pay towards any claim made on your policy. The first element of this is the compulsory excess: the set amount as determined by your insurer. The second part consists of the voluntary excess: an additional amount that you agree to contribute in the event of a claim.
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022
What can I use my campervan for?
Campervan Insurance only covers your campervan if it is being used in the way specified in your certificate of insurance. This will usually be for social, domestic and pleasure purposes (including holidaying). Some of our insurers may extend the cover to include commuting to your normal place of work or Class 1 business use, but you should check your policy documents to ensure that you understand the cover that you have.
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2023
Do you offer an introductory no claims bonus?
No claims bonus is given by an insurer to policyholders who don’t claim on their policy in a period of Campervan Insurance. This “no claims bonus” is not a “no blame bonus”. If a claim is made for an event that isn’t your fault and the insurer has to make a payment, this will affect any no claims bonus entitlement unless the insurer can recover their expenses from the person responsible for the event.
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022
Can I use my car’s no claims bonus?
Only if it is free and available to use and provided that you haven't had a fault accident in your Campervan. In other words, you’re not using the car or you’ve sold the car and don’t intend to replace it. This is because you can’t use your no claims bonus in two places at the same time.
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022

About Club Care

The Camping and Caravanning Club Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of A-Plan Holdings. Club Care Insurance Services is a trading style of A-Plan Holdings who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Registered Office; 2 Des Roches Square, Witney, OX28 4LE. Registered in England. Registration Number: 750484.