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The Club's plans for a return to camping
With lockdown travel restrictions still in place, the Club is keen to share with members its latest plans for a return to camping.
The Club’s campsites will open when it’s safe to do so in line with Government requirements, and when they are opened, The Club will encourage members to holiday close to home. It continue to monitor government advice and will follow guidance on social distancing. Keeping employees and Club members safe and well will always be the Club's first priority.
The Club’s campsite network was closed on Sunday 22 March, along with its Certificated Site network. All social camping activity with its Regions, District Associations and Special Interest Sections is suspended until the end of June, when activity will be reviewed.
During closure, the Club is moving or fully refunding bookings and has extended Club membership for as long as its sites are closed. Future bookings made while the sites are closed are fully flexible, and members can now book a pitch at a Club Site up to 18 months in advance.
As with many organisations planning their return to work, the Club awaits government guidance around social distancing, such as being able to offer toilet block facilities. The Club is able to open its sites with or without toilet block facilities, as many campers have their own washroom in their caravan or motorhome. In the latter case, tent campers would need to provide their own portable toilet and toilet tent. Keeping facilities open would be preferable, if they can be maintained safely and with no risk to staff or campers.
The Club believes that even when its reopens its campsites, life will not go back to normal straight away. The Club is working with a research company, Two Ears One Mouth, to understand more about how coronavirus is affecting people like Club members. This has revealed that 51 per cent of people will favour environments that still implement social distancing and 53 per cent would feel uncomfortable in crowded environments.
While the Club waits for further guidance on how the country will emerge from lockdown and social distancing, and ultimately the Government’s approval to re-open campsites, it is planning how these measures can be implemented.
Plans include opening Club Sites with lower occupancy, increasing the distance between pitches, and contactless check-in on site. The Club anticipates strong interest in camping holidays when restrictions are lifted and it has already seen relatively strong advanced sales for Club Sites in July and August. However, the Club would also respect local tourist board concerns where people are asked not to travel.
Director General Sabina Voysey said: “We believe that when restrictions are lifted it’s important people support their local area and the recovery of local economies.
“With campsites across the country, we will encourage people to take breaks not too far from home and believe camping will offer the perfect way for loved ones to spend much needed time together after a long time apart, and to offer escape and rejuvenation.”
The situation continues to change daily, so for the latest information visit the Help and advice section of the main Club website.
ROB GANLEY | 14 May 2020