We bring you the latest News for campers and caravanners.

Great Outdoors photo competition
Calling all photography enthusiasts: we’re on the hunt for your best outdoors images to feature in our 2021 Return to the Great Outdoors Club calendar.
Following on from the huge success of our 2020 and 2019 calendar campaigns, the top 12 photographs will be selected and collated for our 2021 calendar.
The opportunity to get away from it all was restricted this year, so we’d like to capture images of precious time spent in the great outdoors. Our theme, Return to the Great Outdoors, could be your first camping trip of the year, a new favourite destination you wouldn’t otherwise have discovered, or the wildlife that thrived and re-emerged during the great pause caused by coronavirus lockdown.
If your photo is selected, it will be featured in the calendar and you’ll win a copy of the finished calendar and a £20 M&S voucher.
To find out more and take part, head to the competitions page on the Club website to find out more and upload your image before midnight on 7 November.
ROB GANLEY | 21 October 2020