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Adventures for everyone
Bristol-based Campervan hire service Quirky Campers has launched its first accessible family campervan.
The five-berth unit, named Accessible Iris, is designed to provide comfort on adventures for families with a disabled child. Some of its features include generous storage, wheelchair fixings and ramps, plentiful battery capacity for those who use overnight oxygen and ventilation, and height adjustable beds. The idea for the unit came from Jemima Alexander and Cody Selby, parents of two girls, the eldest of whom has disabilities which could be accommodated for within Iris. They said: “We know that it is often the details that can make or break a holiday with a disabled child… Every decision has been thoroughly discussed, sometimes agonised over, as we tried to include the needs of all the different families we hoped would be able to use Iris.”
For more information on hiring Accessible Iris, visit and look out for
Candy Evans’ review in an upcoming issue
ROSIE CLACK-WALSH | 28 August 2023