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Tyre accident casualties down
With Tyre Safety Month starting tomorrow, the organisation behind it says tyre-related accident casulaties have dropped by 28 per cent since 2014.
TyreSafe has picked apart 2015’s figures from the Department of Transport’s Reported Road Casualties Great Britain analysis, which show casualties from tyre-related accidents have fallen by more than a quarter.
Overall the data shows a 16.2 per cent reduction in casualties from all accidents.
The data does not show if the number of tyre-related accidents are falling, so TyreSafe has urged drivers not to be complacent. This year’s slogan for Tyre Safety Month is: “Check it, don’t chance it.”
TyreSafe’s Chairman, Stuart Jackson, said: “Tyre Safety Month 2016 kicks off with good news but motorists should not interpret those results as being an excuse not to carry out regular tyre checks. Tyres are a safety critical component on any vehicle and the only one in contact with the road, and while modern vehicles give occupants a far greater chance of surviving a collision – even walking away uninjured – well-maintained tyres will significantly reduce the risk of being involved in an incident in the first place.”
TyreSafe, a national tyre safety campaigning organisation, began Tyre Safety Month in 2006. It says that tyre-related accident casualties have dropped by 44 per cent in that time.
Causes of tyre-related accidents include worn tyre tread and under- or over-inflated tyres. TyreSafe estimates there could be as many as 10 million illegal tyres on Britain’s roads. The maximum penalty for driving with unsafe tyres is £2,500 and three points on your licence.
STUART KIDMAN | 30 September 2016