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Meeting the Rich Kids

Campsite as a classroom – where it’s fun to learn

Our study shows that camping doesn’t just have its benefits for adults. 87% of kids who camp say camping in the countryside makes them feel really happy.

Interestingly, 73% of adults say camping is something every child should experience and 59% of campers say it should be on the national curriculum!

A recent study conducted by Natural England2 found that children spend 60% less time out and about than their parents did at the same age...and even less time in the outdoors. There is much evidence to link this to growing childhood obesity levels, more time spent with video games and a growing disconnection with nature. And yet, our research has shown that a staggering 91% of children say that spending time in the outdoors with their parents would make them happy.

There are a number of studies that have looked at the impact of outdoor experiences and particularly camping on children, and there is much evidence to show that not only can it improve a child’s behaviour, but it can also make them more attentive and interested in the world around well as encouraging greater levels of physical activity.

For those campers with children, one of the most important meanings for them was being able to teach their kids new skills. Teaching children how to improvise, play and 'make-do' was an important part of developing their children’s perspective on life. It showed them that they don’t need all of the creature comforts of home in order to have fun.

Campers agree that immersing kids within nature makes them richer

  • 88% say it’s something that every child should experience
  • 84% say that it’s good for a child’s health
  • 66% say it’s important for a child’s development
  • 59% say that it should be on the curriculum
  • 45% say it improves a child’s behaviour

Kids who have camped were significantly more likely than those who hadn’t camped to have
done the following:

  • Flown a kite
  • Climbed a tree
  • Made a den outside
  • Explored a pond with a net
  • Cooked on a campfire

For those kids who hadn’t camped, the thought that there’d be too many creepie crawlies was more off-putting than missing their TV and computer games. A third also thought they’d get too messy and dirty!!

79% of kids who have never camped said they would like to!

Top 5 things kids say they love about camping

  1. I get to explore new places
  2. I can get muddy and dirty and don’t get into trouble
  3. I learn about new things in nature
  4. I get to do new and fun things
  5. I get to do things with my family that I don't do at home

We asked kids who haven’t camped why they would like to go camping and the same top three answers as above, were top of their list! This tells us that whether kids camp or not, they love the idea of spending time with their family exploring the outdoors and doing new and fun things.

"My Dad’s a Derbyshire lad and a big lover of the outdoors – landscape, flora and fauna – so he brought me up to appreciate it in the same way. There is no better buzz than some fresh air, an amazing view and time together as a family."
- Julia Bradbury, TV Presenter

"What I love about camping is when I sleep in the sleeping bag, it makes me feel all excited especially when it is my first night."
- Caitlin Jewell, age 8

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