The Camping & Caravanning Club Logo

Join the Camping and Caravanning Club from £53 a year


Membership selection





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Choose a type of overseas membership subscription

Your details

Please select a title
This is the primary email address for your membership. This is what you will use to login to access member-exclusive content and discounts.
Your password must be 8-50 characters long and must also contain at least one letter, and one number.
Your password must be 8-50 characters long and must also contain at least one letter, and one number.
Please select the relevant unit type you camp in the most

Add spouse or partner

Secondary member must live at the same address as primary member.
PLEASE NOTE: Secondary member email address is not required and must be different to primary member email.

Add spouse or partner

Child 1 details

Children must be 17 or under and live at the same address as Primary member.

Child 2 details

Children must be 17 or under and live at the same address as Primary member.

Child 3 details

Children must be 17 or under and live at the same address as Primary member.

Child 4 details

Children must be 17 or under and live at the same address as Primary member.

Child 5 details

Children must be 17 or under and live at the same address as Primary member.

Child 6 details

Children must be 17 or under and live at the same address as Primary member.

Add children

Add another child

Contact details

Overseas contact details

Please enter your address either via the postcode search or by manually entering.
Can't find your address

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Select a member gift

Please enter your friends Membership number to receive a Club Site Voucher

Choose your payment type

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Terms and conditions

The protection of personal privacy is an important concern to The Camping and Caravanning Club. Any personal data collected will be treated in accordance with current data protection legislation.

We will use your personal data to deliver your inclusive membership services including; advice, events, courses, awareness communications (including offers), details of Club Units, products, publications, newsletters, quality research, analysis, the AGM & voting and to administer your membership account.

In order to meet our membership obligations to you we will share relevant personal data with Club committees, local groups, sites, special interest groups / societies and business partners.

For more information about our data protection policy please see our privacy policy.