The Camping & Caravanning Club Logo
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Rules for the use of Certificated Sites by Members

Certificated Site Rules


• Members must abide by Club policies.


• Please ensure you have your membership card with you as proof of membership.


• So that we know you have arrived safely, all arrivals should make contact with a site team member so that we can welcome you and direct you to your pitch.


• Please follow any instructions given by a member of the site team - they are there to ensure your safety and everyone else's.


• On check in please make payment for the balance of your pitch fees when requested.


• For your safety, we operate a "six metre rule" which means that units (excluding guy ropes) should be 6 metres apart from adjacent units in order to protect against fire.


• Please familiarise yourself with any of the site's fire regulations and fire-fighting equipment and its location as soon as you arrive on site.


• The unit (along with any ancillary equipment) must fit within the confines of your pitch whilst maintaining the 6 metre rule. If this cannot be achieved you may need to purchase an additional pitch (if available) or remove the ancillary equipment; children's pup tents can be classified as an integral part of a unit, in the same way as an awning, when they are occupied by children aged 17 years or under, and included in the household membership.


• You may park your vehicle between units, provided that 3m clear space is left within the 6m gap. Vehicles on site should be parked at right angles to a slope where possible.


• In the interests of security, day visitors (members and non-members) must report to a Site team member immediately on arrival at site. Entry and the subsequent parking will be at their discretion.



• It is assumed that all members will be familiar with the Code for Campers and the Caravan Code.


• Any facilities on site are provided for your convenience. Please use responsibly.


• The contents of chemical toilets must not be disposed of on the Site except in the disposal point identified by a Site team member.


• Rubbish should be recycled wherever possible.


• Please only use proprietary portable barbecues and ensure they're raised off the ground sufficiently to prevent damage.


• Due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, never take a barbecue inside your unit for any reason.


• We welcome well behaved pets on site and hope they enjoy their stay as much as you do, but in the interest of safety and comfort we ask that pets are kept on a lead of no more than 2m when outside.


•For everybody's comfort on site, pet owners are respectfully asked to ensure any mess is cleaned up and noise is kept to a minimum. Please note we do not allow on site any breed of dog listed under the Dangerous Dogs act 1991. With the exception of assistance dogs, pets are not allowed in the toilet block (if applicable) or other structures.


• We want to keep our younger campers safe - if you are staying with children, please make sure they are supervised at all times.


• We want all of our campers to have a relaxing stay, that’s why we ask that there be no noise or movement of vehicles between 11pm and 7am.


• Noise must be kept to a reasonable level at all times so as not to disturb the enjoyment of others.


• Generators may be used only at the discretion of the Site team who will advise of the most appropriate running times. We may ask you to refrain from using them if they cause a disturbance. Please check in advance of camping if you have a special requirement for extended generator use.


• For site safety a 5mph speed limit must be adhered to at all times.


• We encourage you to visit the local area and enjoy off site activities, but in the interest of everyone’s safety, we respectfully request that your unit is not left unoccupied overnight. In exceptional circumstances, please seek advice from a member of the site team.


• If you use a gas cylinder, it must be 15kg or less and must be stored within your unit's designated storage compartment.


• The use of threatening behaviour and/or foul and abusive language will not be tolerated and will result in the offender being asked to leave the site by a member of the Site team.


• To ensure the best experience for all, we ask all of our members and users of our campsites to comply with booking policies.


• Please don't use any of the following while on site, as they may pose a danger to other campers and their units: model aircraft; drones; kites; sky lanterns; catapults; air guns; firearms; bows and arrows.


• You are responsible for keeping your belongings safe.


• Games are permitted in designated recreational areas or areas agreed by Site team members. Please check with the Site team before playing.


• It is strongly recommended that all camping units are equipped with suitable fire-fighting equipment. A bucket of water should be placed outside each camping unit as a basic fire-fighting tool.


• The Club will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to the property of the guest, including personal belongings, cash, jewellery and motor vehicles, however caused during their stay.


• To discuss any aspect of these rules or if you have any other issues relating to Club Certificated Sites, please contact the Customer Services Department by email at


• The Club does not permit the use of Electric Hook up splitters.


• For charging of electrical vehicles, please speak to the Site team.


• Site teams may instruct campers to take down their awnings, gazebos and windbreaks on safety grounds should it be deemed necessary.


• All cycles should use appropriate lighting if used at a time when it should be required.



• So that we can offer all of our campers the same welcome as you received, we do ask that your pitch is vacated by 12pm. However, if your pitch isn’t needed straight away, it may be possible to stay a little longer - by arrangement with the site team.


• To provide our next guest with the same clean, tidy pitch as you found on arrival, please ensure that you dispose of any rubbish, waste water and chemical waste in the designated areas before you depart.



• Persons who are subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 may not use any campsite operated under the control of the Club.


• If you are unexpectedly delayed on the day of arrival and expect to arrive after the last attended arrival time please, call the site.


• Our camp sites are for recreational use only. Campers are not permitted to use the Club sites as a base for running a business, carrying out work, including the provision of driving lessons. Campers must not advertise services and goods for sale at camping events except with the permission of the Site team.


• Ensure the mains electrical cable from the hook up point to your unit and the unit's installation are safe. All units should be protected by a residual current device (RCD). For tent campers, this should be incorporated into a purpose made mains supply unit designed for tent camping conditions.


• Sub-letting of units is not permitted.


• The Club considers the use of e-cigarettes the same as cigarettes and as such, all legal requirements should be adhered to in their use during your stay.


• If planning to use a non-proprietary camping unit, please seek approval from Customer Services before camping for the first time.


• In the event of poor ground conditions a pitch may not be available. The team will endeavour to advise you in advance should this occur but no responsibility can be accepted if this is not possible.


• On all of our sites, the maximum stay allowed is 28 days, after which time you must vacate the site.