Towing Match Service
The Club provides members with a free matching service for your potential tow car and touring unit such as caravan, trailer tent or folding camper.
Access either the comprehensive 1:1 matching service or MOMS here

This free member service ensures that you obtain a safe and legal towing outfit before you commit to a purchase.
Towsafe provides an easy to use and comprehensive 1:1 matching service for your car and caravan, just click the link above.
The system has number plate recognition making it easy to find your exact car details and is also capable of sending your match report (email address required).
The 1:1 matching service has helped many thousands of members but does have usage limits which can be frustrating when members find it difficult to short-list either car or caravans for their next purchase.
In response Towsafe has introduced an additional limit FREE service to allow multiple matching against either your current car or caravan to help members compare different combinations. This Multiple Outfit Matching System (MOMS) will allow filtering by make, year and for cars fuel type or berths for caravans to provide a short-list on screen of up to 15 potential candidates that could be combined together. A new feature added this year allows filtering of caravans by layout style made from 2017 onwards to help narrow your selection.
Once a suitable combination is found MOMS allows the member to perform a comprehensive 1:1 combination match to check for full suitability including both safe and legal aspects.