Coachman Laser 620

Laser 620

CANDY EVANS takes a first look at one of Coachman’s top-of-the-range Laser caravans

Coachman Laser 620

Posted on 28 April 2017

Even after looking at caravans with a critical eye for a decade and a half there are occasions when I have a sharp intake of breath as I step inside a new model. The Laser 620 is one such caravan. Coachman has a reputation for its good quality tourers and Laser is its most costly range, so even though the 620 is technically the ‘bottom of the range’, it’s certainly not compact or lacking in features. It’s a twin axle unit and has a maximum mass of 1,830kg. You’ll therefore need a substantial tow car (and B+E class driving licence) to tow it, but you’ll be rewarded by some very spacious holiday accommodation.

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