Abernethy Butter

is back

ALI RAY discovers the demand for hand-churned butter is spreading on her recent trip to Northern Ireland

Butter is back

Posted on 06 May 2016

Butter is back and rightfully so. For too many years it’s struggled with an image problem, blamed (unfairly) for making us overweight and giving us high cholesterol. Happily, sales figures from the last five years show our love affair with this most natural of products has reignited while the public desire for margarines and low fat spreads is slowly beginning to wane. Why? A couple of reasons spring to mind. I’d suggest first and foremost it is down to taste. Who could refuse the fresh, creamy, slightly salty dream that is pure butter spread generously on a thick slice of toast? A low fat spread is the poor, soggy relation as far as I am concerned.

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